Saturday, May 30, 2009

the diet mode

FOR A FOOD CRITIC like me, it's so hard to just decide on a diet come-when. It takes discipline, hardwork and mental agony to be in a diet phase but in the end, the results are favorable. So one of my best friends call me and announced that she was getting married this November and I'm part of the entourage (gasp!).
"Hunny, cherry red ang motif ko,ha?" she informed me chuckling. I gasp some more as red is such a tricky color to wear without me looking like a giant tomato. So here I am, saying my mental goodbyes to sweets, colored drinks, carbs and fat and hello to greens and mighty fiber. The good thing is that I have faith in myself in making it to the finish line. I take pride in not eating rice for a few months in exchange for multi-grains and granolas. When I'm in a diet mode, my brother feels so guilty that he joins me in eating healthy choices, too.
Mom, in her nutritionist-mode, has never been happy doubling her weekly supplies of fruits and vegetables and stocking them in the pantry. A mix of anxiety and excitement overwhelms me when I get to this program and I will embrace it with determination.As a ritual however, I will take one last happy meal of pizzas, tiramisu and fries to seal the deal. And after...Let the weigh-in begin!

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