Friday, November 28, 2008

good-luck hunting...

My eyes are strained for five hours from the computer. I've been redirecting my work email to my personal email and a unified password so everything's just one click. Talked to Charles awhile ago, he's one of my good friends who have been really sweet to see if I was okay after what happened. Woke him up to tell him to add me on my new email.

Anyway, there's so much to choose from on the job market, I am carefully analyzing and planning my next step. I deserve a good job after all. I'm not rushing it, but my mind doesn't want me to slow down on this. I just wanna be busy.

Hmmm.. my tummy grumbles angrily at me. I know I ate but when..? Need to close my eyes a few minutes and get something to eat. Need to calm my excitement.

"that's so Lei!"

Somewhere between growing up and moving forward, the most hurtful of experiences come in the most unexpected places. I've checked myself and I'm fine. I guess with all the heartaches and bad news that I've ever had all my life, all it took was a grain of salt.

My weakness, is failure. But I have come to terms with this word and what it embraces. When I was younger, I've dwelled on failures, cried and cried some more, then the hurt lingers. However. I will not yield. Not this time. I won this battle. I won, in a way that I've weathered the storm for this particular "hard time", it was definitely a hard fall but all I had to do was dust myself off, straddle my horse and try again.

Of course I'll miss the people I used to work with, but they're just a phone call away. Maybe this time J will go out of his way to see me. haha!

No bitterness in my heart is there. When I left the room, God held my hand and whispered everything will be okay. And I am.

Thank you for my storm, Dear Lord. It had been the most humbling experience in my life and despite what happened, I will not falter.

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