Friday, November 28, 2008

"that's so Lei!"

Somewhere between growing up and moving forward, the most hurtful of experiences come in the most unexpected places. I've checked myself and I'm fine. I guess with all the heartaches and bad news that I've ever had all my life, all it took was a grain of salt.

My weakness, is failure. But I have come to terms with this word and what it embraces. When I was younger, I've dwelled on failures, cried and cried some more, then the hurt lingers. However. I will not yield. Not this time. I won this battle. I won, in a way that I've weathered the storm for this particular "hard time", it was definitely a hard fall but all I had to do was dust myself off, straddle my horse and try again.

Of course I'll miss the people I used to work with, but they're just a phone call away. Maybe this time J will go out of his way to see me. haha!

No bitterness in my heart is there. When I left the room, God held my hand and whispered everything will be okay. And I am.

Thank you for my storm, Dear Lord. It had been the most humbling experience in my life and despite what happened, I will not falter.

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