Tuesday, November 25, 2008

growing apart

I spoke with one of my closest friends Liyanne via Facebook and I got the chance to chat with her about our lives today. She's an English Tutor in a Korean School and it came to mind the people that were once part of our lives. I asked her why people, even without issues or qualms can forget friends, was it really because we grew apart? And she said yes. That's how life is. No matter how much you try to keep them together, they will always find ways to meet other friends and stick with them.

Sometimes what we share in the past, is only good enough to stay there. We outgrow things and sadly, we outgrow people. Thankfully, this world is fast-pace and technology makes it easier to track friends from the past and hopefully, invite them to be part of your present. But there will always be people who doesn't want to hold your hand and let them be a part of you any longer, for what reasons? Only they can tell.

An instant message popped up from Liyanne: " I still love you, friend. As I always have."

I smiled, assuring myself, that there are lifetime friends willing to share whatever I have in my plate and what I can be in the future.

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