Wednesday, July 8, 2009

fixing what's broke

I HAD A LITTLE Carousel toy that my brother broke when we were kids. It was brand new and I only played it once or twice when I took it out of the pretty little orange package. When something distracted me for a minute there, my brother instantly took it out of my little hands and tripped while he was running away from me. The little Carousel broke and its little winding button at the back didn't budge when I forced it to function. Instead of crying, I took out a screwdriver and unscrew the nails and broke it down to pieces further. After much deliberation and amazement from my mother, I had the toy run again but not as efficient as before.

That memory re-surfaced again when a good friend of mine had finally decided to talk to me, we have said our apologies and are trying to mend the pieces in the process. It will be a long haul, but we have a lifetime to mend it. For friendships that are worth keeping such as this, the effort of saving will be a work-in-progress. I meant to keep her in my life simply because she is part of who I am today and the memories of the past are worth remembering. Even the painful ones are worth keeping and etched as beautiful, the way they're supposed to be. i agree with some people who says that keeping a list of friends isn't a numbers game. They will be the ones who will stay and tell you what you need to know instead of gossiping your flaws to the world. There are just so many things to keep track of. And a life that is deemed too short for all of us needs nothing short of a miracle.

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