Sunday, August 23, 2009

what Sundays bring

GROWING UP, I NEVER LIKED SUNDAYS, because it was a start of a gruesome study week on early busy mondays and sometimes the feeling makes me throw up or just the thought of it makes me sick. I keep forgetting what it was for. Families, of course.
After Sunday mass, all six of us wouldhead to Giorgio's for pizzas then head to Lola's house for a grand lunch of bulalo, inihaw na liempo,kare-kare and some Pangasinanse dishes that I'm still unfamiliar with to this day. After lunch, the uncles and aunts would gather in a bench to catch up with stories of their own. We'd play tag for a couple of hours or board games til 6 pm and we would be so sleepy that we'd wake up finding ourselves carried by Daddy from the car to our beds.
Ever since I work night shifts during the weekdays, that was the only time I appreciate Sundays. If you noticed this is the only day that seems to drag by lazily and it allows you to take all the time you want.
I love how God balances everything in our lives. To some of us, we do not realize it til we reach a certain age. To most, a thankful prayer that this day had come for rest and getting to touch our centers which are family, friends and self.
I will make everyday Sunday, to never forget that this isn't about work all the time, but the importance that life teaches us to be a family to one another...

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